Break the Silence

Silence is comfortable and easy to choose. Silence doesn’t drown us in darkness. Yet, it poses a threat to the mental health of young people, and we need all our strength to obliterate it. Because what comes afterward is not simple. Rarely bright. Yet, it is where hope resides.

Conversations about feelings can be difficult. Yet, that is where hope resides.

More and more young people need tools to feel better. More importantly, they need someone who listens and understands. In vocal expressions of emotions – there is hope. Connecting and listening to young individuals can be challenging. Here are some tips along the way:

  • Create a safe environment and use open questions starting with What, How, Who, and Why. Open questions are harder to answer with a simple yes or no.
  • Listen actively and give attention by putting away the phone, nodding, and reflecting to demonstrate understanding.
  • Emphasize that experiencing all types of emotions is normal and part of being human. Discuss the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.
  • Avoid minimizing, dismissing or commenting too much.
  • Share personal experiences to help the storyteller feel understood.
  • Follow up on conversations, even the shortest or most challenging ones, to maintain an ongoing dialogue and support.
  • If you receive no response at all, don’t give up—ask again, seek contact.

About our 9 basic emotions

There are 9 fundamental emotions that are considered biologic and universal. These play a crucial role for us as they serve significant functions. Here’s how they work.

Avicii Arena presents Break the Silence

Avicii Arena was launched in May 2021 as a unique collaboration between the Tim Bergling Foundation, Trygg-Hansa, BAUHAUS, and Stockholm Live. The purpose was to break the stigma surrounding and raise awareness about mental health issues among young people.

With “Break the Silence,” the initiators aim to continue focusing on the issue of young people’s mental health. The launch of the World’s Most Expensive Cap and the opening of the UNSLNT store are the first in a series of new activities within the initiative.

ANJI X Break the Silence

ANJI is currently making waves with her debut single “Nycklar,” which was recently performed on shows like Bianca’s Talkshow. When ANJI designed the cap, she chose sound waves to symbolize audible expressions of emotions. The heart in the center is a healed heart, representing hope for the future.

How are you?

Sometimes, things we experience in life may seem impossible to handle. But with support from others, we can. A simple conversation is often an important first step.

Don’t be afraid to let your friends, family, teachers, or anyone else in your community know how you’re feeling.

If you prefer to remain anonymous while seeking help, there are helplines and chat services with volunteers and professionals who are here for you.

Get help in Sweden

In case of an emergency, call 112.

Mind, Suicide Hotline – Call 90 101 or chat.

BRIS, for children and youths – Call 116 111.

Jourhavande kompis, chat for individuals up to 25 years old.

Rädda Barnen – Multiple languages.

Get help internationally

International register of child helplines

A register of suicide prevention hotlines
(list provided by WhatsApp)

For the mental health of young people

Two years ago, Sweden’s most iconic building became Avicii Arena. A unique collaboration between Trygg-Hansa, BAUHAUS, and the Tim Bergling Foundation, filled with initiatives that strengthen young people’s mental health and outlook on the future.